Sortie Découverte Marée Basse Aquarium Trégastel Alexandre Kozel (2)Sortie Découverte Marée Basse Aquarium Trégastel Alexandre Kozel (2)
©Sortie Découverte Marée Basse Aquarium Trégastel Alexandre Kozel (2)
High tide, low tideFollow the guide

The beach at low tide

12:45. While some are still at the aperitif, we move briskly towards the parking lot of Renote Island. It is here that Olivier, animator at the Trégastel Marine Aquarium, has given us an appointment for an outing “Discovering the beach at low tide”. With his huge waders, we spot him from afar… We make little players with our colored rubber boots!

Here, we live by the rhythm of the tide

Olivier explains to us: the best time to go fishing on foot or simply explore the pools between the rocks, is 1h30 before low tide. With a coefficient of 85, and a North-Northwest wind, the sea will not withdraw much today. But that gives us plenty of time to enjoy it!

Life on all floors

Barely arrived on the beach, here we are all hands in the sand, from 4 to 63 years old. Touching, breathing, observing… All our senses are awakened, guided by Olivier. He draws our little group’s attention to the sea leash , what the sea leaves on the beach, its seaweed, its shells… Super pantry for sea birds, insects and sea fleas !

It’s living under the rocks

As you descend, the sand gets wetter and darker. Life more and more present near the rocks as well. Good foundations, curtains of algae to shelter from the light, secret hiding places, natural bathtubs: a real home for many marine species.

Initiation to a local practice

As we make our discoveries, Olivier gives us some tips: distinguish the real and the fake periwinkle, the one that the Bretons call Koc’h Ki – dog poop, we’ll let you guess why, differentiate between the red-eyed curler and the green crab, not always green, catch a crab with your bare hands, always put the natural elements back in their place so as not to disrupt the ecosystem…

Playful awareness of the richness of the coastline

Children wade into the small saltwater pools. Some observe shrimps and gobies while others venture to spot crabs under the seaweed… It’s great to see them learn about marine ecology and respect for this fragile balance while having fun!”

The time to return rings!”

Suddenly one of them exclaims, “The sea is getting closer!”
We look up. The landscape is superb, large waves in the distance come crashing on the pink granite chaos… But it’s time to start the return trip, because beware of the currents when the tide comes in!


Everyone is blown away by the texture of a kelp sling: “It feels like rubber!”

The release


from 4 years old

Olivier’s advice for a responsible low-tide outing

  • Inform someone close to you about where and when you’re going
  • Take advantage of tidal coefficients above 70
  • Start your walk 1.5 hours before low tide
  • Wear boots (and bring windbreakers and sunscreen)
  • When you don’t know, don’t touch! Some species are particularly stinging or allergenic …
  • Remove the stones, seaweed in their place to not upset the ecosystem
  • The tourist offices distribute rulers to know the regulatory sizes for foot fishing.

Our discovery outings

on the Pink Granite Coast

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