©Loïc Lagarde
Why is granite pink?

Why is the Pink Granite Coast pink?

We love to walk it, spend time with family or just photograph it but … Why is the coast pink? We explain it all to you by taking a little leap in time!

A little trip to Côtes-d’Armor in prospect? You are eager to discover the places. And if you first take the time to know what is behind the history of this pink granite.

We take you today to discover the secrets of this sublime destination increasingly popular … With family, friends or couples the pink granite coast will have no secrets for you.

The coast

What is it?

Before looking more concretely at why the coast is pink, it is important to know what exactly we are talking about. 16 km long, you will have no trouble spotting this very special granite on the coast from Trébeurden to Perros-Guirec. Present all year round, there is no reason not to come and see it. This precious rock is 300 million years old! Here no sculpture in the rock or pink paint! Everything is 100% natural! What to delight the lovers of nature and magnificent landscapes. In the world, there are only 3 coasts of pink granite! One in China, one in Corsica and ours in Brittany!

A walk is necessary to discover in reality the Pink Granite Coast. Get off the beaten track and discover for yourself how lucky you are to have this magnificent landscape in France. And if it was the opportunity to discover the places in an unusual way?

So why the coast is pink? Thanks to a perfect mix of chance, a lot of time and a bit of geology!

Get some altitude!”

Climb the rocks to let your imagination run wild. You can best contemplate the magnitude of this magnificent coastline from above. Take time to sit back and analyze your surroundings with your children. You might see some unusual rock shapes. A fun activity to experience! You can also board one of the boats to the 7 islands to have a different view! This ride will also give you a glimpse of the legends that are told there, hang on tight!”

Do you prefer to discover your environment yourself with your children? What if this was the time to do a little geology?

Travelers beware!

Some rocks are harder than others to climb. A height of 10 to 15 meters can easily be reached. Do not take unnecessary risks.

A very long time ago

So we have to go back 300 million years! At that time, the Pink Granite Coast was still in its infancy, well buried under a volcanic mountain.

Pushed by telluric forces, magma rose and formed a magma chamber 5 km below the peaks of the Hercynian chain. Under the effect of the pressure and by slowly cooling, the magma was transformed into granite. Over the following millennia, this mountainous massif, which sheltered the current Pink Granite Coast, eroded, revealing the granite massif.

Then in turn, the granite massif eroded, over millions of years. Rain, frost fractured the rock to create its chaos that currently lines our Pink Granite Coast.

The composition of granite

granite is made up of 3 main minerals

  • mica which gives it its black color
  • feldspar which gives it its pink color
  • and quartz which gives it a gray hue.

Feldspar is usually white, except that on our coast, hematite impurities were added to the feldspar crystal lattice. The whole thing gave us a pretty pink color that we couldn’t live without!

Preservation of Places

Like any natural area, the coast is a place to preserve. A life-size job must be done every year. Awareness is raised throughout the year. Simple gestures that ensure the conservation of this colorful heritage. To facilitate access, buses allow you to make trips to Perros-Guirec, Trégastel…

Don’t forget that it is possible to access the coast all year round, promise, no need to wait for summer to see it! The little extra? This will allow you to avoid the crowds of the beautiful days and to recharge your batteries in better conditions!

Each of us has the responsibility to keep as clean as possible this place so emblematic. Take your time to explore the coast. If you’re lucky, you might see dolphins, porpoises or even gannets in full hunt!”


Some reminders of responsible actions

  • Your dog must be kept on a leash
  • Remove and dispose of your trash in the appropriate garbage cans.
  • Don’t feed the gulls
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