The objective
It is to have a new photograph of tourism in Brittany, extended to all visitors to a territory (tourists, day-trippers, business travelers…) and to update our knowledge, whether in terms of the weight of clienteles, territories of stay, modes of accommodation, but also the economic impact.
It should also make it possible to quantify the changes linked to various events: the arrival of the LGV, the development of rental platforms, the progression of sustainable development, the Brexit, or even the current crisis.
The conduct of the survey
As ne 2016, professional surveyors of the firm Symetris will be positioned in 77 places in Brittany and Loire-Atlantique.
In addition to the survey points with interviewer, a mesh of about 150 survey points without interviewer: complementary visit sites, tourist offices, nautical centers, ports, locks, accommodation…. to ensure optimal coverage of the territory and visitor profiles of our region.
Thus, from mid-February to the end of the year 2022 it is 14 waves of survey that will take place. Visitors to the sites will be invited to provide their contact information in order to be recontacted post-stay to participate in the survey so as not to alter the visiting experience and to have feedback on their entire stay.
To encourage visitors to participate in this survey, a contest is proposed, with 5 stays to be won!”
The results
The results will be available in spring 2023.